Another Day In Paradise

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Life with 2 babies...

Well apparently life is busy considering I haven't actually wrote on here for so long. Anyways I guess I better update now that we have a new addition that is by the way 3 weeks old...Already! WOW! I don't know why 9 months goes so slow when the babies are on the inside and how years go soooooooooooo fast when they are on the outside.
Anyways I love reading birth stories of other people I think it is soooooo amazing but you don't have to read it if you aren't interested. So I started having contractions at 5:30am they weren't anything to major though so I figured I would time them...they were already 5 minutes apart (oh and p.s. the last time I had been at the doctor I was already 4 centimeters dilated ha ha...which no one can actually believe they all thought the baby should be falling out at that point...) Anyways so by 6:30am I tried to have a bath my contractions were still not to major and they were about 3 minutes apart but I didn't really know what to think. So I thought that I would get Cody up and we would drop Kade off at my mom and dads and go to the hospital. Got to Mom and Dads at about 7:00am and started through rush hour traffic to the hospital....I must say I was kind of getting worried that we were going to have a baby in the car but we made it...YAY! :) So we got checked in to the hospital (still might add that the contractions were nothing i couldn't handle) so got admitted and played the waiting game for a hour or so...the nurse came in and noticed that my contractions were coming right after another pretty much so she checked me and i was 10 centimeters dilated. So time to start pushing. She paged the doctor and when the doctor got there she told me to start pushing on my next apparently I was having a contraction and I couldn't even feel it. LUCKY ME! :) Anyways so the pushing started....Cody said it was only about 4 pushes and she was out. They had guessed that the baby would be about 7 pounds. She came out weighing 8 pounds 15 ounces. BIG GIRL! :) Anyways she was very pink and healthy very exciting for us after having such a sick baby the first time around. It was great to have Cody actually there for the birth this time I think he was pretty excited to be there as well. Anyways so Kianna Rayne Geck was born on May 27, 2010 @ 9:30am.
Anyways so life has been pretty busy around here with 2 children but we are slowly getting into a routine...well i don't know if you call it a routine but getting to know Kianna and her little routine! :) Loving our little dolls. Anyways thats all for today Kianna will be getting up to eat shortly but will add a few pics of the little dolls.

Brand New Dolly

Daddy napping with baby...

Daddy showing Kade the new addition. He likes her so far :)
Kianna 3 weeks old 10 1/2 pounds...eating lots and growing :)


wayne.roxy said...

big congrats to u all!!!she looks beautiful!!
i love hearing all the birth details!i sure hope my next is that quick and easy!:)
congrats again!

Unknown said...

She's soo beautiful!! Congratulations!!
How convenient that your contractions were manageable...hopefully it's always like that for second children!!

Lynn said...

Love the pictures! She is such a sweetie!